Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Golf Cart Permit Application

Important: Please complete this application form before arriving for your golf cart inspection. 

When you come for your golf cart inspection, be sure to bring the following items:

  1. Printed copy of this application
  2. Valid driver's license
  3. Proof of insurance
  4. If paying in person (not through the digital form), bring a check payable to the City of Lincoln for $30 or bring cash to cover the application fee.

**NOTE: Any vehicle not conforming to the CA Vehicle Code will not be issued a permit. See CVC Section 345

Please select your preferred date for the inspection. **Please note: Inspections are only available on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month between 9 AM and 10 AM.

By signing below, I understand a permit to operate a golf cart shall not be valid until the vehicle has been inspected, approved and a permit has been affixed to the cart. I also certify that I have the proper insurance coverage to operate above golf cart on the public streets within the City of Lincoln Golf Cart Transportation Plan. I understand that operation of a golf cart outside of the City of Lincoln Golf Cart Transportation Plan boundaries could cause a revocation of the permit, issuance of citations, and possible impoundment of the vehicle pursuant to the CA vehicle code.

**If wishing to pay at time of inspection, please bring a check or cash for $30. Please Note: This $30 fee is nonrefundable**

An application fee of $30 is required. You may pay digitally by selecting "Yes" below.